If you have been following my ventures here, you will hopefully have signed up with acme-people-search and Global Domains International.
Acme will bring you sales with the affiliate programs they use, plus $30 for each referral, who stays in the system.
GDI will add a growing residual income, once you introduce more than 10 people to their program.
Something I’ve only just realised with GDI is their leaderboard bonus plan.
If you refer five people in a week you get a $100 bonus, 10 people $200 and so on.
This will galvanize me into action, promoting this program, which of course, neatly brings me to traffic.
Unless you have your own opt in list to sell to, you’re going to need traffic.
Even if you have a list, you need to keep finding new things to try and sell to subscribers, which is hard going, and can end up being seen as too pushy for some.
So, list or no list, we all need fresh traffic, so here are some of the methods I am using.
First of all Thelistauction.
As readers will know I joined this fairly recently, to promote acme, and upgraded to their silver membership. With this I can email up to 2500 random members every 5 days.
It costs $19 per month which means I only need one sign up per month to be in profit.
As I have been getting several per posting this is looking like being, the proverbial, no brainer. To get maximum credits, so that you can post to the full 2500 you need to read received emails. To take the hassle out of this I have a separate mail account, just for these, and look at as many as I need to and delete the rest. You also have control over the number of emails that you want to receive per day from the back office.
Another good sauce of traffic is Leadsleap.
With this program you promote your site with a text ad, which is similar in style to an Adsense ad. These are shown on the Leadsleap website and blog, plus the newsletters that are sent out. Your ads are always featured on the newsletters to your downline, to 10 levels. This makes the system viral as a downline of this size could easily bring you thousands of hits. There is no lengthy surfing with this system and you only need to click on ten ads per day to get the maximum number of credits possible. This is quite an unusual system and I would recommend reading it’s web page for a better understanding of how it works. This one is completely free, and the newsletters themselves are probably worth signing up for.
Next Linkrefferal
I wont say a lot about this because I think many of you are already members, and absolutely everybody recommends it. Again this is viral and getting referrals will explode the number of people viewing your site. The paid version will save having to do so much surfing and keep your site in the front rank without any effort.
Next, that old stand by--traffic exchanges.
Now I realise that the success ratio on these is not very high, but traffic is traffic, and there are ways to use TEs to maximum advantage. None of these ideas are original but for any of you new to TEs, here goes.
Firstly join 5 or 6 TEs and list acme and GDI using the splash page options, as surfers never stop to read the standard sales pages, which they might have seen a hundred times before. Also list, Thelistauction, Leadsleap, Linkreferral and you could also advertise the different TEs on each other, as they are viral too.
You will find that not all the TEs allow this many sites to be advertised, but there is a way around this. Many TEs will allow rotators, so listing all your sites on one of these will solve the problem, and will also keep all your sites in one place for editing purposes.
The most popular rotator is Pageswhirl, which has a free and paid version. For completely free, I have been using Freerotator.com without any problems.
The next step is to surf them efficiently. You will need the Firefox browser from Mozilla.com to do this or any browser that utilises tabs.
Put all your traffic exchanges in a separate favourites folder and then click “open all in tabs”. Now you have all your TEs set up ready to surf, you just click on them all in turn, for as long as you want to.
As you start to make money it’s worth ploughing some of your profits back into upgrading some of these programs, as often you will get a lot more for not very much.
Here is a list of the exchanges that I use, but of course you may already have your favourites.
Trafficswarm, Webizinsider, TrafficG Easyhits4u,
Dragonsurf, Hovertraffic Trafficroundup
Don’t forget about Traffic Digger and FreeViral [see previous post]. These are completely viral, and need no surfing, just promoting.
As I said it’s all about traffic and hits are hits. Therefore any other ways of getting your main programs seen is worth using. Anything from free classifieds through to article posting will all make a difference.
Hope there is something here that is useful and good luck.
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